
There are infinite ways to build and deploy your personal static site. I will not discuss which way is the best way, I will however tell you the steps I took.

I was inspired to build a personal static site while I was taking the front-end course at it certainly helps to know a little html and CSS to personalize your pages, however, it is not a requirement since you'll learn html along the way, and you can use free templates for your styling. For that I recommend HTML5 UP!. In my case I used my own styling, just because I already had a big chunk of it written for a challenge in the front-end course I was taking, and because I was proud of my humble code.

Here are some of my takeaways for the front end side of things:

After writing and modifying the code for the face of your website and being satisfied with the results. we need to deploy it at a server, and we need an address to visit it. To deploy my site I used a service called Netlify if you want to read more about Netlify here's a link . But for now all we need to know is that it is a service that lets us deploy our website somewhere, by linking a GitHub Repo where the files for your sites are found, and that its FREE!

Before we do that , we need to own a domain. we can do that at a registrar which is a company responsible for registering and managing domain names. There are some many options out there, including some free ones. here's a list of some credible Domain Registrars.

Now our website is up and running, and we can update it by pushing code to our GitHub Repo. that's neat.

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